WALGA Preferred Supplier Logo
We are very proud to announce that as of today Potholes Perth is a WALGA Preferred Supplier.
The Preferred Supplier Panel (PSP) we are a part of is the PSP009 Roads, Infrastructure and Depot Services in Categories: 005 Asphalt Supply & Services & 015 Road Building Minor & Major Works.
All Local Governments that are Members of WALGA are now able to utilise our services knowing that our services have been vetted to ensure they receive high quality workmanship at the best price available in the marketplace.
All the team at Potholes Perth looks forward to a long lasting, fulfilling relationship with WALGA and its members. We are very thankful and honoured to be accepted as a Preferred Supplier.
If you would like to know more about WALGA please visit their website and Facebook pages. See links below.
WA Local Government Association – WALGA Website
WA Local Government Association – WALGA Facebook